Coastal Equities is focused on its core business model for more than 40 years, the acquisition of value added real estate. Coastal Equities finds value in under-performing and under managed assets in key markets and then unlocks that value. Our approach is :
Analysis of Investment Goals
Our investment criteria are to purchase properties on the basis of cash flow situation combined with capital appreciation potential. In assessing investments, we evaluate the cash flow, potential appreciation, economic stability and tax benefits prior to making a decision to purchase a property.
Negotiations and Purchase
Over 200 major real estate properties successfully purchased by Coastal give the company an excellent reputation as a serious and successful investor in the real estate industry. Coastal also manages all of its own properties.

We deliver a quick and efficient due diligence/closing process. We have long term debt relationships and an equity process that is without committee or third-party approvals. We are a proven buyer who is easy and reasonable to work with.
We seek to acquire neighborhood and community centers anchored by a supermarket and/or value-oriented anchors and jr. anchors. We prefer to own the anchors, as well as the shops. General guidelines are provided below. Please note these are not hard and fast rules, just guidelines. The more properties you show us, the more likely we will do a deal. If you think it’s a good investment, we want to see it.
- Over 50,000 sf.
- Stabilized to 50% vacancy +-
- Grocery and/or Value Oriented Anchors preferred
- Purchase Price over 5MM.
- Purchase Price is lower than replacement cost of building
- 7.5 Cap Rate or better.
- Center is filled with National Tenants and either long term leases or extremely short term leases (ie. Ones that are up for renewal during the Due Diligence period.)
- Below Market Rents
- Stable spending area patterns. (We will trade high spenders for predictable spenders.)
- No geographical restrictions.